HELP is delighted to have been chosen as charity of the year by Shackleton House at Harrow International School. On...
The Hong Kong Arbitration Charity Ball 2017
HELP was honoured to have been chosen as one of the beneficiaries for this year’s Hong Kong Arbitration Charity Ball...
HELP kicks off its experiential learning program “FirstHand”
According to a 2015 survey, 66% of domestic workers in Hong Kong felt they were exploited in various degrees. Our...
HELP submits to the Legislative Council Bills Committee on Employment (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2017
On Friday 13 2017, Holly Allan, our Director, attended a meeting with the Legislative Council Bills Committee on Employment (Amendment)...
Client Profile: Miss Simple
During her employment in Hong Kong, Miss Simple, a domestic worker from the Philippines, suffered grave mistreatment from her employer....