HELP was honoured to have been chosen as one of the beneficiaries for this year’s Hong Kong Arbitration Charity Ball (HKACB) on Tuesday 17 October 2017.
The ball has earned its reputation as a glamorous event in Hong Kong’s social calendar and is an opportunity for those in the Arbitration and legal space to get together and raise funds for local charities.

Holly Allan and Raquel Amador attended the event having been invited to sit on the VIP table. Catherine Graham and Laura Glennie also attended the pre-dinner cocktail reception to network with the guests.
Raquel, took to the stage to give a short address about HELP, highlighting that many of the guests, especially the women amongst them, might not have been able to attend the ball if they didn’t have a domestic worker at home!
She asked the guests to put themselves in the shoes of a domestic worker, to imagine what it would be like to arrive in Hong Kong having paid exorbitant, illegal placement fees to agencies either here or in their home country and then losing their job within weeks or sometimes days for no valid reason. Whom would they turn to? To imagine living without adequate food, sleeping on the floor of the bathroom, working unacceptably long hours without enough sleep. Fearing verbal or physical abuse or sexual assault and feeling like they have no choice but to put up with it.
Raquel explained that this is where we can HELP!
It was a very enjoyable evening and we were grateful to have been given the opportunity to be there. We would like to thank Brian Lin, from CMS who is a volunteer at HELP and who nominated us and to all the HKACB organising committee and guests for their generous support.