Online donations now live!

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We are excited to announce that online donations are now live, thanks to our partners at Charitable Choice!

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Every domestic worker should have access to justice and receive equal and fair treatment before the law. We need your help.

We launched our 2017 Fundraising Campaign page with Charitable Choice in an effort to broaden our reach and expand our daily efforts in seeking justice to domestic workers in Hong Kong. Funds contributed go towards providing case workers for domestic workers in pursuit of justice, developing educational resources that inform and inspire domestic workers about their rights and our everyday operational costs. Every donation helps and we truly appreciate your interest in HELP for Domestic Workers. 

Give what you can.

We make every dollar count.

Charitable Choice, a registered Hong Kong charity, is an interactive giving platform that enables charities in Hong Kong to do what they do best. We chose Charitable Choice not only because they are developing new features on the platform all the time, but also because they are proactively contributing to the Hong Kong community.

Want to fundraise for HELP?

Charitable Choice also makes fundraising online for HELP easier than ever with customised donation pages. 

  1. Register an account and create a new customised donation page;
  2. Select HELP for Domestic Workers as the charity you would like to support;
  3. Share the link to your customised donation page via email or social media;
  4. Log in to your account to check on the amount of donations received.

Give what you can today and make a difference for domestic workers in Hong Kong.